
From AUS :-)

Im sorry that I forgot to write this blog yesterday... ;-(

Yesterday, August 5th, we had English class in the morning and we went to Sirromet, a winery of Queensland, to conduct research in the afternoon.
CEO of Sirromet talked to us, but it was very difficult to understand what he had said.
We could very beautiful scenery around there!! :-)

Today, August 6th, we had English for Business class in the morning and we Business Project class in the afternoon.
As you know, we came here to study not only English but also Business in English.
It is very difficult for me to study Business in English because I can't understand Business in Japanese...

Anyway, I will try hard to study English and Business!!

Today is by Emi NOHARA :-)

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hi Nohara-san,

    Sounds like you are having fun and studying hard. Have you called your family yet? If not, please make a phone call and tell that you are fine.

    I really regret that I should have stayed longer in Brisbane. Japan is really really really hot and humid. I wish I could feel the cool air in Brisbane again.

    Good luck

    Takashi Kosaka
